m-Health: From Policy to Implementation

Jointly sponsored by World Bank Group, UN Foundation/mHealth Alliance and FNIH, in collaboration with NIH and many others, the World Bank Day @ mHealth Summit will raise awareness of the possibilities for mobile-enabled innovations for improving health care and health care outcomes in developing countries and seeks to:

The Singapore Experience: Ingredients for Successful Nationwide eTransformation

Countries are being transformed by Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) daily. Singapore, for one, has made important advances in the area of global competitiveness by positioning ICT at the core of national innovation and development strategies.

Investing in Broadband Infrastructure for Economic Stimulus and Growth

As part of their response to the ongoing crisis, many countries are implementing economic stimulus packages. Public support to the build out of broadband infrastructure figures in many of these packages. What is the rationale for such support? How can it be implemented to support and enlarge private investment? What are the outcomes of such stimulus in terms of jobs and economic growth?